
Hey, Gem. I hope you’re well. Here’s a sensitive topic I think we should cover. Hear me out…

What About Your Friends? x Zhara. J

Feeling unsupported by our friends can be a difficult and isolating experience. It is natural to seek support and validation from those around us, especially during challenging times. However, when our friends are not there for us in the ways we need, it can leave us feeling alone and uncertain about our relationships. I know the feeling and wouldn’t wish the confusing heartache on anyone. If you’re dealing with this, I hope this blog brings you more insight into applying the right solutions.🩷

Let’s keep it real, you should know that it’s important to recognize that everyone has different ways of showing support. Your friends may not intentionally neglect you but may not know how to best support you. It can be helpful to communicate your needs clearly and directly rather than expecting them to read your mind. Unfortunately, mind-reading powers are not real, and we actually have to express ourselves to people, especially our loved ones. Tragic!

If you have communicated your needs and still feel unsupported, it may be worth reflecting on the nature of your friendships. Are these friendships based on mutual support and respect, or are they more one-sided? Do you feel like you are always the one giving support, or do your friends reciprocate? The answers are usually always there; you have to pay attention to them and accept them for what they are—the truth, whether ugly or not.

If your friendships are not meeting your needs, it may be time to seek out new connections or perhaps even take some time to heal and remember your worth. You deserve genuine connections only.

Gem, remember that it’s okay to outgrow friendships that no longer serve you. It can be difficult to let go of relationships that have been important to us, but if they aren’t meeting our needs, it’s vital to prioritize our well-being.

Here are my final thoughts on this... feeling overlooked & unsupported by our friends is a common experience, but it is not a reflection of your worth. I hope you trust and believe that. You can build a robust support system that meets your needs by communicating your needs, reflecting on the nature of your friendships, and seeking out the new connections you deserve. Do me a favor, please: hang in there, and be kind to yourself through the transitions.

Sending you immense love as we all pray for genuine love and intentions from those around us. -Zhara. J

Photo Cred: Pinterest


Succeeding without Validation


Overcoming Setbacks