
Hello, Gem. How’s your heart? I pray it’s thriving. Let me tell you what’s been on mine…

What’s Your Purpose? x K.M.

So, what is it? What’s your purpose? Have you figured it out? Are you in the middle of determining it? Are you confused and have no idea? Have you given up on trying to make it all make sense?

I’ve experienced all of the phases above. The feeling of not understanding why you’re here on earth can be crippling. It weighs heavy on your heart and takes over your mind until you’re exhausted and questioning every move you make. Believe me, I understand wholeheartedly.

Figuring it out isn’t a refreshing walk in the park by far. For me, it’s been a life-or-death crawl on my knees toward the discovery. Yes, I’m a little dramatic, but I’m serious, too. For years, I frequently asked God, the universe, and even some of my loved ones, “What’s the point?” Sadly, I didn’t think my mere existence mattered, and more times than none, I didn’t want to be here anymore.

No matter how many times anyone tried to convince me otherwise, I wasn’t hearing it. I didn’t want to listen to it because I didn’t believe it. Gem, I recently hit rock bottom mentally. It was a brutal shock to my mind, body, and soul. It consumed my energy, ruined some friendships, and changed me forever. All of which I needed because it sparked a light at the end of the tunnel I’d trapped myself in.

Gem, if you’re trying to figure out your purpose, please know you are not alone. The motions that come from this are inevitable, and I promise that if you hang in there and keep striving, you will discover the answers. I pray you don’t give up; the world needs your light, whether you realize it right now or not. After all, you are an immense treasure. Believe it because it’s God’s honest truth!

Sending you genuine love on your journey of self-love and uncovering your purpose. -K.M.

Photo Cred: Pinterest


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