
Hello, Gem. How’s your heart? I pray it’s thriving. Let me tell you what’s been on mine.

Healing Through Journaling x K.M.


Journaling is a powerful tool for self-discovery, stress relief, and personal growth. If you’re looking to start a journaling practice, here are some realistic tips to help you get started and experience the healing benefits of putting pen to paper.

These work, Gem, and they’re beginner-friendly. Let’s get into them…

1. Start Small

Don’t pressure yourself to write pages every day. Start with a few sentences or even bullet points. The key is consistency, not volume. Have an alarm assist you by setting aside five to ten minutes daily to jot down your thoughts. Even if they’re random and don’t make sense to you, do it anyway.

2. Choose the Right Journal

Select a journal that appeals to you. Whether a simple notebook or a fancy leather-bound diary, having a journal you like will motivate you to write more frequently. Some prefer lined pages, while others enjoy blank or dotted pages for more freedom. 

Sometimes, I prefer digital journaling for the ease and convenience. These days, there are many options to choose from, including journaling on our phones. However, putting pen to paper is more effective than anything. It’s authentic and seemingly more powerful. 

3. Find Your Time and Place

Identify a time of day when you’re most likely to stick to your journaling habit. It could be in the morning with your coffee, during lunch, or before bed. Similarly, find a quiet, comfortable spot to relax and reflect. Gem. You deserve to release at the end of a busy day, and journaling aids that.

Photo Cred: Pinterest

4. Use Prompts

If staring at a blank page feels daunting, use journaling prompts to get started. Prompts can range from "What made you smile today?" to "What are three things you're grateful for?" There are many resources online with lists of prompts tailored to different goals, such as self-discovery, stress relief, or creativity. A quick Google search will get you right, and as you should know by now, Gem, we are big supporters of Pinterest over here. There are dozens of prompts to choose from—check them out!

5. Be Honest and Authentic

Your journal is private, so write freely and honestly without worrying about grammar or structure. This authenticity can help you process your thoughts and emotions more effectively. Perfectionism should never be the goal while healing and expressing yourself; focus on revealing and honoring your feelings.

6. Mix It Up

Journaling doesn't have to be just writing. Incorporate doodles, sketches, or even collage elements. This can make the process more enjoyable and engaging, especially if you're a visual thinker.

7. Reflect and Review

Periodically, go back and read your previous entries. Reflecting on your past thoughts and experiences can provide valuable insights and show you how much you’ve grown. This can be particularly healing, as it helps you see progress and patterns in your journey. Gem, this is my favorite part. Sometimes, it’s painful to look back, but in this case, looking back and noting your growth is powerful and needed. You won’t understand how necessary it is until you read a few entries back and take an insightful trip down memory lane.

8. Don’t Judge Your Entries

Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to journal. Your entries don’t have to be profound or polished. They need to be honest representations of your thoughts and feelings. They should genuinely reflect your best and worst times.  

9. Set Intentions, Not Expectations

Set an intention for your journaling practice rather than rigid expectations. For example, aim to write regularly, but don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day. Journaling should be pleasurable and beneficial, not a chore, Gem.

10. Join a Community

If you need extra motivation, consider joining a journaling group or community. Ask your friends if they journal and want to participate in prompts together daily or weekly. Sharing your experiences and getting inspiration from others can enhance your journaling practice.

Photo Cred: Pinterest

In conclusion, Gem, journaling can be an advantageous habit. It offers a space to process your thoughts, reflect on your experiences, and set intentions for the future. It can also heal, helping you manage stress, understand your emotions, and track personal growth.

Start small, be consistent, and enjoy the process.

Happy journaling!

Gem, send this to someone who needs the message & reminder.

Until next time, I’m sending you lots of love as you journal your heart out. - K.M.

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