
Hello, Gem. How’s your heart? I pray it’s thriving. Let me tell you what’s been on mine.

You Deserve True Love x K.M.


There’s a certain magic in believing you deserve true love, Gem. It’s not just about finding someone who sweeps you off your feet and understands you beyond what you’ve ever experienced. It’s more importantly about recognizing your worth and understanding that you deserve a deep, fulfilling connection. I mean it, Gem. You do!

Before fully believing you deserve true love from another, you must start with yourself. Self-love isn’t about vanity or selfishness; it’s about understanding and accepting yourself wholly. It means acknowledging your strengths, your quirks, and even your flaws. When you love yourself, you set a standard for how others should treat you.

I remember a time when I doubted my worth. I constantly questioned whether I was lovable or good enough. But then, something shifted. I started treating myself with kindness, taking time to do things I enjoyed, and speaking to myself with the same compassion I would offer a friend. Slowly but surely, I began to see my value, which was the best thing I could’ve done for myself. If you haven't reached that pivotal moment in your life yet, I hope you reach it soon. 

The people you surround yourself with play a significant role in how you perceive yourself. Surround yourself with friends and family who uplift you, who remind you of your worth, and who believe in your right to be loved deeply and truly. Their support can be a powerful reminder that you are deserving.

One of my favorite experiences was attending my brother’s wedding reception at a lavish Chicago hotel. The love and warmth in the room were palpable. It reminded me that love is not just about romantic connections but also about the bonds we share with our loved ones. Being in that environment reinforced my belief that I deserve love in all its forms. It feels good seeing someone close to me experience it, too.

We all carry scars from past relationships or experiences that made us feel unworthy. It’s crucial to acknowledge these hurts and then let them go. Holding onto them only hinders your journey to believing in your worthiness of true love.

During a trivia night that I attended recently, the host, Trina, did a fantastic job of making everyone feel included and valued. Despite missing some vital points, I still had a great time because I let go of the initial disappointment and embraced the fun and joy of the moment. This experience reminded me that letting go of past hurts allows room for new, positive experiences.

Gem, gratitude shifts your focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant in your life. When you practice gratitude, you start to appreciate the love that already exists around you, which reinforces your belief that you deserve even more of it.

I find moments of gratitude in simple things, like enjoying a soft, warm towel after a shower or the comforting firmness of a bed after a long day. These small joys remind me that I am deserving of comfort, happiness, and love.

Gem, words are powerful. The way you talk to yourself shapes your beliefs and, ultimately, your reality. Incorporate positive affirmations into your daily routine. Remind yourself that you are deserving of true love, that you are enough, and that your worth is not tied to anyone else’s opinion. One affirmation that has stuck with me is: “I am worthy of love and respect.” Saying it out loud, especially during moments of doubt, has helped solidify my belief in my own worth.

Believing you deserve true love is not a one-time decision; it’s an ongoing journey. There will be days when self-doubt creeps in, but remember to be patient and kind to yourself. Every step you take toward self-love and self-worth is a step toward believing you deserve all good things.

In the end, true love starts with you. When you believe in your worth, you attract the kind of love that is deep, meaningful, and fulfilling. So, take a moment to remind yourself that you deserve nothing less than true love.

You are worthy, you are enough, and true love is out there waiting for you!

Gem, send this to someone who needs to hear it; it’s a reaffirming reminder.

Until next time, I’m sending you lots of love as you remember that you’re worthy. - K.M.

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