
Hello, Gem. How much effort do you put into self-care? Are you tending to yourself?

How Much Effort Do You Put into Self-Care? x Shanice

Please reflect on this inquiry, then be completely honest with yourself. I sure did, and the conclusion wasn’t shocking. Disappointing, maybe, but not shocking. And for me, that’s the saddest part about it. Honestly, it’s unacceptable.

Gem, why do we put ourselves on the back burner more times than none?

Overworking ourselves….

Not getting as much sleep as we need…

Putting others before ourselves…

Skipping out on activities, events, and hobbies that aid in our happiness…

The list goes on and on.

The point is, why do we cater to everyone and everything around us instead of using some of that energy to pour into ourselves more often?

Last week, I took a day off to relax, play video games, and catch up on a few of my favorite shows. The next day, guilt washed over me. I harped on the work I could’ve gotten done. I stared at my to-do list and scolded myself for putting it off to have… fun? How dare I?!

The nerve of me to not be productive for over twelve hours; who do I think I am? Do I even deserve time off? Do I work hard enough to reward myself with time off?

I’m realizing how absurd and unhealthy this thought process is. Feeling guilty for taking time off for ourselves is crazy! We shouldn’t reprimand ourselves for it.

Self-care isn’t selfish, it’s necessary, and a personal investment. When we take time to replenish our spirit, it allows us to come back stronger. In turn, we serve others better and put forth a better effort into our everyday tasks. It’s impossible to serve anything from an empty vessel. Stepping back to recharge is pivotal.

Gem, now, more than ever, it’s important to be mindful of what we’re doing and what we’re taking in. Seasonal depression is in the air, and we absolutely have to cater to ourselves around this time. Allow yourself moments to breathe better—smoother. To do what you love. To put yourself first!

Because, like I always remind you, you deserve that.

After all, you are an immense treasure.

Sending you genuine love and good vibes during the holiday season -S

Photo Cred: Pinterest


All in the Name of Love


Dear Younger Self